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Nicholas Kristof in this morning's Times on the arithmetic of Lebanon: Israel is unlikely to kill more terrorists than it creates.
D: You wouldn't manage people that way, would you? You wouldn't change your mind just because somebody came into your office and cried, would you?
J: Certainly not; crying's not an argument.
D: Right! And you wouldn't change your mind just because somebody flirted with you, would you?
J: Okay, maybe not, but you haven't met L W.
CW: Mommy, take these off me; I don't like them.
LW: But you're the one who told me to put them on you.
CW: Well, maybe you shouldn't listen to me; I'm only four.
D and I watched "Syriana" tonight and "The Devil Wears Prada" last night. I learned many neat tricks from Meryl Streep; I can't wait to try them out at work. But I never did find out what Prada is. Or are.